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Incredible Moments JAGUAR Hunts

Moments When Vicious Jaguars Show Their Superpowers

Jaguars are the largest of South America's big cats and the world's third-largest cats. Unlike many other big cats, they do not avoid water; in fact, they are e...

2023-07-05 22:20 3,044,215 Youtube

Jaguar hunts and makes a huge KILL!!

We followed this large female jaguar in the Brazilian Pantanal as she hunted along the river's edge. She saw a caiman in between the plants in the river and pou...

2023-07-05 02:59 2,842,190 Youtube

Jaguar Attacks Crocodile Cousin (EXCLUSIVE VIDEO) | National Geographic

When a jaguar pounces, sometimes one bite is all it takes to get a meal. National Geographic has exclusive video of a jaguar taking down a caiman in Brazil's Pa...

2014-07-05 02:02 63,516,531 Youtube

14 Magnificent Hunting And Chasing Moments By Wild Animals

Most wild animals have one thing in common that allows them to survive in the bush, day in and day out and that’s the word “run”. They run to hunt, and th...

2022-07-05 21:13 2,607,997 Youtube

Jaguar Hunting Crocodiles

Incredible footage of a wild female Jaguar hunting Caiman crocodiles in the Pantanal, Brazil. Footage by Abigail Martin from ...

2019-07-05 01:22 18,021,773 Youtube